🫡 Quest on
Explore the Territory
To explore an area of the territory it's very simple, pick a zone on the map and ask your pilot to go explore it. He'll head above the area and run his cutting edge technology to look for crystals under the surface. If a crystal is there, the pilot will let you know and wait for your instructions on what do to...
Place traps
At the beginning of the mission, you'll have a specific supply of traps that you are free to send in any area of the territory. These are not re-usable though so think carefully where and when to setup a trap. Traps will intercept the drones sent by other players who are trying to extract a crystal and will immediately notify you that it's been triggered. You can ask your pilot to automatically go ahead and try to extract a crystal (explore to locate then extract) but you have no guarantee this will work...
Extract Crystals
Once you have located a crystal through exploration, you now have all you need to command an extraction from your pilot. Extracting consists of sending a digging drone to the location. Beware though, your drone could be intercepted by a trap and never come back, this will slow you down as building a new drone takes some time. When a trap triggers though, you'll know to which pilot it belongs.
Having a Squad or being part of a team has advantages...
[Optional] Solve ECCs
When your pilot interecept an ECC, you'll have the possibility to solve the riddle it contains. The solution carries on a set of coordinates indicating the area where the Meta Crystal is located. You are not forced to solve ECCs but doing so will put you ahead of the other commanders.
[Optional] Use your active Power Ups
Attack Pilots: Want to get some revenge from a pilot, or simply think this pilot is a threat to your strategy, you can send an attack that will damage the ship (unless it has a shield).
Spy on Pilots: You want to see what explorations and extractions a pilot have made ? You can see that with the Spying Power up.
Trade Crystals
Once you extracted a crystal you are free to trade it for another one or for any other crypto asset supported by NFT marketplaces
Unveil Crystals
Trading a crystal is not the only option you have, you are also able to unveil what the crystal encapsulates. Once you do so, everybody will know what prize this crystal represents. You'll still have the option to trade it if you wish and you can also claim the prize.
Note on claim: Certain prizes will require a KYC to be filled so they can be claimed
Last updated